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"The MYO is a comprehensive program that equips students with the foundational abilities to learn, to

achieve in multiple settings and to develop the capacities, skills and knowledge needed to navigate

challenges toward lifelong success, thereby strengthening the communities we live in."

The Metropolitan Youth Orchestra (MYO) is a youth and family development program of the Indianapolis Symphony Orchestra. The program is designed to use the

life skills learned through music instruction to engage youth in activities that discourage at-risk behaviors and keep them committed to staying in school.

For the 20th Anniversary of the program, I helped to create a unique program book to celebrate the special event. The program book was featured at the April 20th,

20 Year Celebration of MYO concert. 

For more information on the Metropolitan Youth Orchestra, please click here.

MYO 20th Anniversary Book Pictures

MYO 20th Anniversary Book Digital Files

© 2017 by Marci Mullaney.

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